

亲身体验艺术. 磨练你的手艺,对社区产生影响.

bet8九州登录入口 and the surrounding community is home to a myriad of arts organizations, 以及学生参与的独特的充满活力的机会. 如果在一家历史悠久的艺术电影院工作, or supporting the creative main stage events with the 发脾气剧院 don't seem of interest, perhaps leading art tours with the 肯尼迪艺术博物馆 or teaching music with the 雅典社区音乐学校 seem a better fit?  



    The 舞蹈学院 offers opportunities for students to gain professional development through teaching artist internships at a local non-profit partner, 工厂街工作室. Interning teachers gain hands-on experience in dance education, 艺术管理, and choreography for children and teens in a community setting, while 工作ing with one of the only non-competitive dance studios in the state, 促进技术, 自尊, 个人成长, 以及俄亥俄州东南部的合作精神.



    从爆米花机到放映室, learn the ins and outs of the business of bringing world class films to adoring audiences at The 雅典娜电影 in 雅典, 俄亥俄州. Students build on a foundation of customer service and event support to advance into opportunities in theater management, 电影投影, 社交媒体, 通信, 艺术行政及其他. 直接与雅典娜电影院的导演合作, 工作人员, 社区合作伙伴, 以及来访的电影制作人, students get first-hand experience in the creative and business side of this historic art house cinema— a long-revered community arts venue. 提供多个联邦工作学习职位.



    University piano students 工作 directly with an experienced teacher in a community music program setting, introducing young first time students to the piano through a musical journey to explore fundamental musical and technical concepts. Piano Safari is an exciting new approach to learning piano that combines the best of established traditions with innovative ideas. Student teachers will introduce young learners to the basics of music theory, 阅读符号, 以及如何用出色的技巧和音乐才能演奏. 每年秋天和春天提供.



    Be a part of putting on the largest film event in Southeast 俄亥俄州! Participate in screening and programming films for the Academy Qualifying, 雅典国际影视节 as well as help in bringing over 250 films from over 60 countries to 雅典, 俄亥俄州参加这个年度活动. University students at all levels are eligible, both graduate and undergraduate.



    俄亥俄州 Summer Arts offers one-week and two-week 工作shops in Art, 设计, 音乐, 跳舞, 电影, 和戏剧. Taught by professional artists and designed to accommodate an inclusive community of art-interested participants at a variety of skill levels. Engage in the arts at bet8九州登录入口 in beautiful 雅典, 俄亥俄州!


bet8九州登录入口 is committed to putting experiential learning within reach for all students. 朝着这个目标前进, awards and grants are available to support students in pursuing experiential learning opportunities and to support faculty/工作人员 in providing them.

Funding opportunities are available on regional campuses and the 雅典 campus and are supported by the Career and Experiential Learning Fee that bet8九州登录入口 adopted in Fall 2018. 截止日期是10月中旬和3月中旬.

The 美术学院 has Experiential Learning funds to support students in experiencing a variety of co-curricular opportunities that help students broaden their professional net工作 and career trajectory. Please review the eligibility requirements to apply for this funding. 

CoFA Experiential Learning Award for Special 机会

The 美术学院 has Experiential Learning funds to support a few special partnerships including:

  • 百老汇之梦(剧场)
  • Chautauqua Institute (音乐, 跳舞, Arts Administration, and 艺术与设计)
  • 俄亥俄州装饰艺术中心(艺术+设计)

If you are interested in these partnerships, please reach out directly to Courtney Kessel at kesselc@俄亥俄州.edu



The many arts focused programs housed within or partnering with the 美术学院 offer a variety of ways to gain experience, 工作, 全年为学生提供实习机会. 探索这些程序以了解更多.



    The 肯尼迪艺术博物馆 is an integral part of the educational, 研究, 以及bet8九州登录入口的公共服务任务, enhancing the intellectual and cultural life of the University and the region through quality national and international exhibitions, 基于集合的研究, 以及各种正式和非正式的学习机会.



    A professional theater company that serves as a training ground providing apprenticeships for students in the 剧院 Division at 俄亥俄州. The name 发脾气剧院 comes from a group of bet8九州登录入口 graduate students who discovered that one of the collective names for a group of bobcats is a Tantrum, 学校的吉祥物是一只bet8九州登录入口. Tantrum’s mission is to create and propel forward a resident professional theater company and training conservatory in 雅典, OH.



    俄亥俄谷夏季剧院 is a collaboration between the Southeastern 俄亥俄州 community and bet8九州登录入口, providing theatrical productions for community enjoyment; education and training for students as they participate in productions; and performance and participation opportunities for university and community members.