

为了简化联邦财政援助的申请,2024-2025年FAFSA经历了重大变化. 然而, 考虑到实施所需的时间框架,以及FAFSA和计算学生援助指数(SAI)的公式的大量变化,联邦学生援助计划的这些变化的推出一直很困难。. 以下是我们发现的学生和家长在提交FAFSA时遇到的问题的解决方案,以及完成FAFSA的提示. 有关已知问题的更多信息,请访问 联邦学生援助2024-2025问题警报页面



填写FAFSA时, there are several times that the student and Parent Contributor are required to report a state. These questions include the student and parent state of legal residence, 高中选择, 选择接收你的FAFSA数据的大学, 还有驾照州. 状态字段作为下拉框操作. 如果你输入你所在州的全名“o-h-i-o”," the field doesn't recognize that as the state of Ohio. Rather, you should type the first few letters of your state (i.e. o-h) and when the full name of your state appears below the box, 选择它来填充完整的州名.


When arriving at the screen to invite one or two parents to contribute to your FAFSA, 键入父母的名字很重要, 姓, 出生日期和社会安全号码. 不使用任何自动完成浏览器功能. Doing so can cause a "phantom space" to appear in the fields. This space will prevent a student from continuing to complete the FAFSA. 以确保您的字段中没有幽灵空间, place your cursor at the end of the name field to determine if a space was added. 如果是这样,请使用退格键删除空格,这将允许您提交贡献者数据.


只有少数情况需要学生邀请不止一位家长作为FAFSA的贡献者. If a student's parent is 结婚了 and completed their 2022 taxes as 结婚了, 共同申请, only one parent is required to be invited as a contributor. If a 结婚了 parent filed 2022 taxes with a different filing status (i.e. 结婚了, filing separately or the parent marital status has changed in 2023 or 2024), the student may need to invite two parent contributors. 如果你有问题,请提问 bet8网页登录的办公室 寻求帮助.


虽然家长可以在他们的移动设备上接收和阅读他们的家长贡献者邀请电子邮件, 重要的是,他们不要试图在他们的手机或平板电脑上完成他们的FAFSA部分. 学生s and parents must use a laptop (or desktop computer) to ease FAFSA submission. 另外, 联邦学生援助建议学生和家长在完成FAFSA时使用更新版本的谷歌浏览器. 



  • 学生
  • 学生配偶,如果学生已婚
  • 所有家长投稿人, 即使只需要一位父母同意(以帮助确定您所需的父母供款人是谁), 请浏览我们的 谁填写FAFSA 网页.)

学生s and Parent Contributors who have not previously created an FSA ID must do so at studentaid.政府. 请注意,联邦学生援助需要3-5天的时间来完成所需的社会保障数据库验证. The FSA ID must be validated before it can be fully utilized for FAFSA completion. 这意味着学生和家长应该在完成FAFSA之前至少一周申请FSA ID. There are negative impacts when an FSA ID is used prior to completed validation. 这些包括:

  • 无法使用IRS直接数据交换,需要手动报税和随后的FAFSA更新和更正
  • Issues preventing submission of Parent Contributor invitations
  • Problems logging back into the FAFSA if it is not submitted in one session

Some students and parents have experienced difficulty creating their FSA ID. This can occur when an applicant enters the address and cell phone number, 然后选择“下一步”按钮. The page scrolls back to the top, rather than advancing. The applicant selected the name of their state instead of typing out the whole name. 当页面滚动到顶部时, the state field resets from the selected state to just the state abbreviation.

删除整个地址. Leave the cell phone number and try to advance without an address. It appears it may allow you to create an FSA ID without an address. 验证电子邮件和手机号码是否正确. 登录 studentaid.政府 并编辑帐户信息以添加地址. Select the down caret next to the name after logging in, 选择“设置”,编辑联系人信息.


有几种罕见的情况需要学生或家长手动提供他们的税务信息. 这通常与2022年的纳税申报状况不同于他们目前的婚姻状况或在美国报税的个人有关.S. 领土或外国. 以下是其中一些情况:

  • The contributor’s marital status has changed since filing their 2022 tax return, e.g., parents filed a 2022 joint tax return but are separated, 离婚了, 或在提交FAFSA时再婚
  • 捐款人在一家美国公司报税.S. 领土、联邦或外国
  • The contributor indicates that they have not filed a 2022 tax return but plan to
  • The contributor is a victim of IRS tax-related identity theft
  • The contributor did not provide consent to transfer federal tax information (FTI)
  • 投稿人的标识符与国税局的记录不匹配
  • IRS直接数据交换(FA-DDX)不完整
  • 美国国税局无法确认纳税申报数据
  • IRS数据在FAFSA完成时因IRS系统相关中断而不可用

学生需要根据他们的抚养状况和婚姻状况邀请资助者来资助他们的FAFSA. Review the scenarios below to determine who must be invited as a contributor:

  • 一个受抚养的学生,其父母中有一位目前没有结婚/再婚或没有与学生的另一位父母住在一起
    • 只邀请父贡献者
  • 一名受抚养的学生,有一名父母供款人,目前已婚,并以已婚身份提交了2022年的税款, 单独归档-
    • 邀请家长参与
    • 邀请父母的配偶
  • A dependent student who has a parent contributor who is un结婚了, but living with the student's other parent and did not file 2022 taxes as 结婚了, 联合提交-
    • 邀请 这两个 父母作为贡献者
  • 一名受抚养的学生,有一名父母供款人,目前已婚,并以已婚身份提交了2022年的税款, 联合提交-
    • 只邀请一个家长贡献者
      • 父母供款人将在填写FAFSA的父母部分时提供其配偶的信息.
  • 未婚的独立学生
    • 不需要贡献者
  • An independent student who is 结婚了 and filed 2022 taxes as 结婚了, 联合提交-
    • 不需要贡献者
      • The student will provide their spouse's information when completing their FAFSA.
  • An independent student who is 结婚了 and filed 2022 taxes with any status other than 结婚了, 联合提交-
    • 邀请配偶作为贡献者
Forgoing parent FAFSA information and applying only for a Direct Unsubsidized Loan

对于是否只申请直接无资助贷款的问题,大多数学生应该回答“否”. Please be aware that providing parental information on the FAFSA does NOT obligate the parents to pay for college expenses; however, it does allow the student to be considered for all possible federal, state and institutional 金融 aid resources available.

In the rare circumstance that a student's parent refuses to provide parental data on the FAFSA, 学生可以选择提交FAFSA, 但只能申请无补贴贷款, 哪一种会产生利息,上限为5美元,新生500美元. This amount will not cover full-time tuition and fees at any bet8九州登录入口 campus. 对这个问题回答“是”而不提供家长信息的学生将被要求签署一份“仅限无补贴贷款授权表格”,确认家长拒绝提供有关FAFSA的信息,并且他们理解填写此表格的学生将没有资格获得任何基于需求的援助.  This option for obtaining 金融 aid should only be used as a last resort.

Signature missing for parent or student returning to a saved FAFSA

When a student or parent returns to a FAFSA that was previously signed, they may find that the previously provided signature is now missing. 当这种情况发生时, 学生或家长应重新签署FAFSA, even if the student or parent is not making any changes to other information. 建议学生和家长在一次设置中完全完成FAFSA,以防止这种错误.

Spouse information not initially entered prevents FAFSA submission

如果已婚学生或父母在未输入所需配偶信息的情况下退出2024-25年度FAFSA, 他们将无法提交FAFSA. 当重新进入FAFSA时,学生或家长将不再能够提交配偶信息.

目前还没有解决这个问题的办法. 为了防止这种情况发生, 在2024-25年FAFSA开始之前,为合适的配偶收集所有必要的信息. 

Contributors cannot access the FAFSA from the Roles page

受邀参加现有2024-25年FAFSA的贡献者不能从角色页面进入申请. 如果家长试图通过选择家长角色并输入学生的信息来进入FAFSA, 父进程可能会收到一个错误. 该信息指出,家长“未经授权代表学生行事,因为他们已经有了24-25 FAFSA表格."

Parent and Spouse Contributors may access the FAFSA by using the Dashboard or My Activity. 

学生 confirming address and contact information receive "Unknown Error" message

要解决此错误, students should edit their contact information and confirm their mailing address, 包括邮政编码, 是正确的. 在某些情况下, the pre-loaded address information is incorrect or incomplete, 导致未知错误消息. 

Parent unable to access FAFSA when starting application on behalf of student

在某些情况下, 代表学生启动2024-25年度FAFSA的家长资助者无法在学生信息页面之外继续. 他们可能会收到一个错误消息,指出已经有学生的申请文件. 

遇到此问题的家长必须退出FAFSA,并要求学生访问或重新启动2024-25年FAFSA. 如果学生登录 studentaid.政府 在“我的活动”下看不到bet8九州登录入口程序, 学生应该浏览到FAFSA登陆页面, 以学生的身份开始一种新的形式, 并邀请家长参加申请. This action will nullify the previous FAFSA initiated by the parent.

Delay in reviewing completed FAFSA information and making corrections

此时此刻, 大多数学生无法查看完整的FAFSA信息,可能会看到一条消息,表明他们的FAFSA正在“处理中”或“正在审查中”。. 联邦学生援助已经表明,FAFSA信息可能无法审查或编辑, 学生或学校, 直到三月的某个时候. 另外, schools will not receive or be able to access FAFSA information and results until March, 要么. 当时学校收到了FAFSA的数据, students should be able to fully review their FAFSA information and make corrections, 如果需要. 下面是一个典型的截图,通知学生何时启动和提交他们的FAFSA.


请记住, while our office can't verify that your FAFSA has been successfully submitted at this point, 如果您在完成FAFSA或满足我们的优先日期方面有问题,我们将在这里为您提供支持, 现在是4月15日.