


bet8九州登录入口 uses 同意 to post payment card transactions from Mastercard. Posting a transaction in 同意 simply means that it is now visible to the cardholder or delegate for verification purposes. Any processing dates associated with reconciling and approving the card transaction are calculated from the post date in 同意. 当 the transaction report is submitted in 同意 and subsequently approved be the approver, the transactions will be posted to the university financial statements.


Substantiating a transaction involves allocating it to the correct account number and object code, 附上所有必需的文件, providing an adequate business purpose and having it approved in 同意. A cardholder has 28 calendar days to reconcile a transaction and submit the report. An approver has nine calendar days to approve the report in 同意. Cardholders are encouraged to substantiate their pcard transactions as soon as possible.

在报告被批准后, the transactions are transferred to the Oracle financial system (also referred to as Ebiz). These transactions are generally posted to eBiz the day after they are approved and will be visible in Oracle Business Intelligence (奥比) dashboards the day after that. Reconciling transactions in a timely manner ensures that you and your department can see a true view of your financial status as soon as possible. 在赠款基金的情况下, the sponsors cannot be invoiced for these expenses until they appear in the financial statement.


All PCard transactions are pulled into an expense report in 同意. Reports should be named differently depending on the types of transactions that they contain. 使用命名约定,e.g.: TRSMIT08242023, RESMIT08242023, PCSMIT08242023

  • 报告类型:
    • TR:与旅游相关的交易
    • PC:仅限PCard费用
    • RE: Non-travel reimbursements - Do not submit travel reimbursement requests on an RE report
  • First 4 letters of the traveler or PCard holder's last name
    • If a cardholder is purchasing on behalf of another individual, 或者是部门卡, the cardholder/custodian may use the first 4 letters of the individual's last name that they are purchasing on behalf of to keep track of their expenditures.
  • Date with 4-digit year (first date of travel, 交易日期, oldest 交易日期 if multiple dates) e.g., PCSMIT08242023

If additional expenses are incurred for the same travel event that necessitate additional reports at a later date, the naming convention will continue to include the addition of the letter A, B, C, 等. 到原始报告. DO NOT wait on all charges for the travel to hit your 同意 account, 导致策略内的延迟事务.


Pcard purchases must be supported by itemized receipts, 购买的物品列表是什么, 每件商品的金额, 以及每笔交易的总金额. Internet orders require a copy of the order that itemizes all costs.

An itemized receipt is defined as an invoice, 收银收据, 销售单, or pakcing slip which contains the following information:

  • 业务/供应商名称和位置
  • 购买日期
  • 所购物品说明
  • 所购物品的价格
  • 采购总额
  • Method of payment (sometimes is included but not always)
  • 附上装箱单(如有)

Electronic copies of receipts are acceptable. Handwritten receipts must be signed by an employee of the supplier. If the cash register tape does not itemize what was purchased, this should be legibly written on the tape so that an adequate description is provided for what was purchased. If you have a packing slip you should also attach that as backup to the purchase.


Business purpose is a critical piece of information that is necessary with every purchase you make on a pcard. 当 using university funds or requesting a reimbursement from university funds, documentation of a clear business purpose is required so that an approver, and/or auditor may reasonably conclude and agree that the expenditure is an appropriate business expense.

The business purpose is a statement that adequately describes the expense as a necessary, 合理的, and appropriate business expense for the University.  All expenses must support or advance the goals, objectives, and mission of the University.

Expense approvers are responsible and accountable to determine whether expenses comply with the business purpose guidelines and the expenses are necessary business expenses.

在定义业务目的时, 5个“w”(谁), 什么, 在哪里, 当, Why) can help you create a well-documented business purpose:

  • Who:  The documentation must note specifically who the expense is for or who was at the event funded by the university.
    • 例子:
      • Business Meal: John Smith (external guest of the university) and Susie Bobcat.
      • Classroom Supplies: History 101, Professor Smith
  • 什么:  The University needs to know what type of event or activity occurred, or what was purchased. All receipts or invoices should be itemized.
    • 例子:
      • 2 dinner entrees, 2 beverages, and 1 desert
      • 3本笔记本和一盒黄色荧光笔
  • 在哪里:  Document where the business activity took place. For example: Hotel room for Conference XYZ in Atlanta
  • 当:记录事件发生的时间. 例如:5/3/2022毕业酒会.
  • 原因:最重要的是, substantiate why the expenses are 合理的 and appropriate for the university.  The “Why” should include the primary reason for the expense.