


To be conferred the Master of Arts in International Affairs in 国际发展研究, 每个学生必须满足以下要求:

  • 成功完成至少48小时的认可课程
  • Preparation of a Capstone Project: Comprehensive Exam, Grant Proposal, or Thesis Option
  • 熟练掌握第二语言


IDS学生必须完成一系列必修和选修的核心课程, 以及五个学科集中之一的一系列课程. Core courses and disciplinary concentration courses are to be combined so as to provide the most appropriate set of intellectual and professional reference points for the student's examination of the development process. Each program/course of study must be approved in advance by your program advisor, 通常是项目主管.


  • 8小时基础课程
  • 12小时开发核心
  • 8小时方法核心
  • 20学时
    • 国际发展与环境
    • 国际发展与性别
    • 国际发展与卫生
    • 国际发展与社会科学
    • 国际发展与冲突




每个学生都必须完成一份拨款提案, comprehensive exam or thesis and to declare their choice in the Spring Semester of the first year. Candidates choosing the proposal option will develop a grant proposal addressing a need in a particular developing region of the world. Candidates who choose the thesis option are expected to complete a course of study that culminates in a scholarly work of publishable quality.



每位候选人必须熟练掌握一门第二语言. Completion of the language requirement is approved by the 国际发展研究 program 导演.


  1. 在大学里学两年现代语言
  2. 一年的大学学习一门不太常用的语言
  3. 母语能力
  4. 通过其他机构进行测试,比如和平队

Six Hours of language coursework may be counted toward the MAIA degree as an elective.


强烈鼓励实习. Such an experience with a domestic or international development organization allows the student to put into practice what has been learned from the program. Modest funds are available, on a competitive basis, to support local internships and research travel.



  1. 所有的学生在M.A. 课程必须保持最低平均绩点(GPA)为3.0. 成绩低于3分的学生.平均绩点为0的学生将进入试用期,并要求将平均绩点提高到3以上.0 by the end of the following term – or at least meet agreed upon progress in that direction. Failure to do so will automatically result in the student being dropped from the program. 直到平均分超过3分.这个学生将继续留校察看. University regulations prohibit awarding any type of financial assistance to students who are on probation.
  2. 平均绩点低于3分的学生.0 cannot be awarded a degree and will not be allowed to take the final comprehensive examination. All courses used to meet degree requirements must be completed before the comprehensive examination can be administered. An exception is made for those courses in which a student is enrolled in their final quarter of study.
  3. 学生 receiving more than two grades below a B will be dismissed from the program.
  4. The lowest grade that can be accepted for a course included as part of a program of study is a C. C以下的成绩将被视为不及格, and a student who receives a grade below C becomes subject to immediate dismissal from the program. 其他需要学生注意的分数类型如下:
    • 公关选项(进度) - A PR may be assigned in any course if for reasons acceptable to the instructor all of the requirements cannot be completed by the time final grades are submitted. The PR can remain on course records indefinitely, but is not counted toward computation of the GPA. The accumulation of more than one PR and/or I (Incomplete) is not considered acceptable, 经济援助可能会被立即中止.
    • I选项(不完整) -就像公关一样, an I may be assigned in any course if for reasons acceptable to the instructor all of the requirements cannot be completed by the time final grades are submitted. 不像公关, the I grade can remain on records only until the sixth week of the next quarter in which the student is enrolled, after which the grade is automatically changed to an F unless the work is completed. 随后的F将计入学生的累积GPA. Accumulation of more than one PR and/or I (Incomplete) is considered unacceptable; financial aid may be subject to immediate suspension.
    • CR选项(信用报告) -在某些情况下,学生在M.A. 计划可以选择在课程中获得CR/F成绩而不是字母成绩. 这可以在两种情况下完成:
      • 完成课程的标准成绩为CR;
      • The course is not being used to meet any of the major or minor distribution of requirements of the M.A. degree and the student and the instructor have agreed on a CR/F option since no later than the end of the first week of classes. 并非所有课程都有资格获得CR等级.
    • NR(无报告) - A grade of No Report is assigned when 1) no grade is reported by the instructor; 2) the instructor reports the grade too late for processing; or 3) the instructor reports an ineligible grade for the grade eligibility of the course. Check with the instructor; if a grade was submitted, contact the Office of the University Registrar so as to learn what you must do to clear up the problem.
    • 撤回合格/撤回不合格(WP/WF) - This report is given when a course is dropped after the 15th day of the quarter. 它不计入绩点.
    • 失败,从未出席(FN) - This report is given when a student does not drop a course for which s/he is officially registered, 但从未出席. 这在你的GPA中算是F.
    • 失败,停止参加(FS) - This grade is given when a student attends initially then stops attending a class for which s/he is officially registered. 最后一次上课的日期会记录在学生的成绩报告上. 在GPA的计算中,它被视为F.
    • Note: Removal of a grade of FN or FS from a student's official grade transcript requires action by the late course withdrawal review panel.
    • 注意:研究生水平的课程可能没有及格/不及格评分选项.
  5. 抄袭和其他形式的学术不诚实(例如.g. cheating on exams, falsifying information, and so on) will result in severe penalties. When a faculty member judges that plagiarism or academic dishonesty has taken place, 将对违规者采取行动. 此类案件将提交大学司法机构审理. 处罚可能包括工作失败, 课程不及格和/或被大学停学或开除.


When a student is found guilty of plagiarism or another form of academic dishonesty, he/she may follow the usual appeal route through the chair of the department of the concerned faculty member, 项目主管, 或者副教务长. 除了, 如果研究生对课程有不满, he or she should first discuss the complaint directly with the instructor or supervisor involved. 如果此操作不能解决问题, 然后,学生应咨询CIS主任, 然后是学生申诉委员会. 详情请参阅 bet8九州登录入口学生手册.